Dragoborne Wiki

Green is one of the colors of Dragoborne -Rise To Supremacy-. It is represented by the nation of Tir na Nog.

Sets containing Green cards

Booster Packs

Trial Decks

Creature Types

Spell Types

List of Green cards


Cost 1

Cost 2

Cost 3

Cost 4

Cost 5

Cost 6

Cost 7

Cost 8


Cost -

Cost 1

Cost 2

Cost 3

Cost 4

Cost 5

Gameplay of Dragoborne -Rise To Supremacy-
Colors Yellow (Logres) ● Green (Tir Na Nog) ● Blue (Olous) ● Red (Tauris) ● Black (Niflheim)
Card Types CreatureSpellBanner
Phases Start phase (Stand stepDice stepDraw stepResource step)
Main phaseCombat phaseEnd phase
Zones Dice zoneDeckDiscard pileFieldFortHandResource zoneSideboard
Glossary AbilityAmbushAttackBattleBlockChooseCost
DamageDestroyDice (DragoshieldDragocross) ● DiscardDraw
EnduranceGameMulliganPlayStand and restSummonTurn
Keywords AssassinDeadlyFort BurstImmuneSiphon